Frequently Asked Questions
Some information, like CPT Codes, participating providers and clinics, and open season dates, applies to everyone. However, specific details like deductible amounts and caps are designed for Tricare Select. I often discuss Tricare Select since it's the easiest for holistic health. I also share how to use Tricare Prime for holistic care, as I frequently receive requests for this information.
Some details apply to many insurance companies, such as CPT Codes, which are a good starting point for asking about coverage. However, specifics like deductibles, limits, and rates are unique to Tricare.
Yes! You can add the upgraded subscription plan that includes messaging and a monthly group call. If this is not out yet, it will be available shortly.
Tricare is an ever changing system with many specifications across locations, groups, and plans. This information is meant to be a starting point of what can be possible. We cannot promise results as we do not work in the system.
Yes! For more information, click here or send inquiries to